The 5th Call for Research Projects of the Joint Research Institute for Science & Society (JoRISS) will be officially released on June 1, 2014.
Like the previous ones, this call will distinguish two categories of projects :
1/ projects dealing with the 2014 priority research domain
2/ free topic projects (« Projets blancs »).
This preliminary announcement is intended to prepare the launch of the official call by providing potential applicants with a sufficient amount of time for establishing the necessary scientific contacts.
If you are interested in launching or developing a scientific collaboration between ENS de Lyon through this 2014 JoRISS call, you are invited to discusss your interests with one of the two JoRISS coordinators at your earliest convenience. They will assist you in your search for scientific partnership as well as in formatting your research project adequately.
ECNU Coordinator: Professor Gu Hongliang,